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Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Yeap , exams is finally over !

The last paper Business Accounting was really really super duper easy..

I didn't expect they will come out exactly the same question as the tutorials , how easy can that be ??

I finish the whole thing in less than an hour , in other words , this is the most relaxing and easiest paper among the others.

Probability was quite easy also actually.. but some of my friends said it was tough , i dunno..

Anyway , what have done is done , I really need a break after this tiring semester.

Hope my 2 weeks holiday can make me recover from this tiredness..haha
Wednesday, May 6, 2009

It's like 1 hour 15 minutes away from my Probability Exam and I'm awake now updating my blog..seems like nobody know about this blog yet , but that would be good , since I can make it personal ( I feel as if i'm talking to myself ).

I was studying with this group of friends , everyday they seems to be very bia reading studying reading studying , so i was expecting that they should be well prepared to face the exam.
Then they call me to do a summary for the whole 6 chapters , so I did it loe..

I did test them out by coming out with my own question , some of the question may sound unlogical but if they understand the concept they could just do it without any problem.

Out of my expectation , it is just the other way round.
They somehow mix everything up , making them not knowing what to do when they see the question, I was like Okay..

In our probability syllabus , I think the hard part would be using the formulas , because sometimes it is not really that clear , so people might just ask " How do you know you need to use this formula when you see this question" .. Well.. I don't really know how to answer this question..
Answering " by feelings " would be very wrong , but sometimes I just can't explain the logic , because IT'S LIKE THAT !

I never believe in last minute studying, the best method to study is the method I used during Primary school , everyday go back school , revise what the teacher has taught for that day , understand it , so you won't need to take so much to study for one exam ..
However , this kind of method only will lead me to become 书呆子 ..haha..

I figured out that maybe the problem causing they have this kind of problem is because of wrong method of studying. I wish to correct them and help , but THERE IS NOT RIGHT METHOD IN STUDYING.
My way of studying is not applicable on them..
I think they will flung badly if they really follow my style.
Last time during Secondary school , my friends would always say I could get good result without much studying because I have better brain . It sounds like a compliment , but I deny it , I believe everyone have the same IQ , just whether you know how to use it or not..

However , seems like I'm a bit wrong , now i believe everyone has their own special role, their special talent when they come to this world. Maybe they are not to excel in studies, they are to do some other great stuffs.
I remember one friend of mine from foundation , he is very very weak academically , but he is very good at cars , very good at cooking , very good at all those " Kemahiran Hidup " stuffs , I'm just way too far from him. I think he would make a great deal if he's in business, however he's studying engineering.

End of story , time to log off~
Saturday, May 2, 2009

It was a bit late to post this , but who cares ? Nobody's reading it..haha..

Anyway , Yee Yyn showed me the coursework mark for Probability and Statistics , overall everyone did quite badly , I think my marks is consider quite Ok among everyone la , no complains about that!

However , when I look at my assignment marks , it's like only 4.4 / 6.0 , while everyone else is ike 5.2 . 5.5 , 5.6 .. marks like this..

And guess what ?? Quite a few people took my copy and just submit . I wouldn't feel bad if I'm the only person who got so low , but hey , I pull everyone down together also.

I think is time to stop thinking that I'm such a smart ass or any 天才 that can give perfect work by doing last minute work , stop dreaming dude !

Critical Thinking and Pengajian Malaysia was okay , the topic given was quite suitable for me " Is better to stay single or married " , can write tons of nonsense.

That goes the same Pengajian Malaysia , didn't even study for even that bit , hope I could get at least a C , give me C C C ( for once I hope to pass only ), haha..
Friday, April 24, 2009

There's so many things to blog about my studying life.
But it would be weird to keep on blogging about it in my main blog > g-han89.blogspot.com , readers would get bored about it , so I'll just make this very personal.

All the while I've been scoring good grades , good results.. but it has been a very tough time this recently.

It's not really that "smooth" anymore , I have been having this kind of feeling since this semester, it seems like a very easy paper , very easy question .
However when I start writing and answer , the fear suddenly just come to me , and I don't know why just panic.

I just finish my Calculus exam today , if you ask me overall , I think it's not that bad . But I'm really very disappointed with own performance. Those questions look so familiar to me , yet I can't do it perfectly .

I even panic when I saw the 1st question , I have to admit is not easy , everyone said the same thing , but I know this is within my knowledge , BUT I FREAKING PANIC and wasted 15 minutes just to finish it.

After the exam , I just realise I didn't finish one question cause I skip it just now..I was like what the heck ??

I think my friends say it correctly , i have to change my attitude a bit . Since is an exam day , I should wake up earlier to get myself prepared , I should check all my pens are working well..

The refill of ink has all sold , late walking into the hall , all these has nothing to blame to others except me myself .

Ok la , don't wanna think about it anymore . STAND UP DUDE , AND WORK HARDER FOR THE FUTURE EXAMS !

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